Resultados: 3

Experience of nurses in the management of continuous hemodialysis and its influences on patient safety

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the professional experience of intensive care nurses and its influence on their work activities in the continuous hemodialysis process and patient safety in the intensive care unit within the scope of the collaborative model. Method: qualitative and exploratory research, ...

Equipment failure: conducts of nurses and implications for patient safety

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify equipment failures during handling by nurses and analyze the conduct of the professionals when these failures occur. Methods: Descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, whose field was the intensive care unit of a public institution, and the participants were day n...

Handoff communication in intensive care: links with patient safety

Abstract Objective: To gather scientific evidence about ICU handoff practices and their implications on the safety of communication among team members about hospitalized patients. Method: This was an integrative review conducted in the Medline, PubMed, Cinahl and Scopus databases with the descriptors p...